Thursday 9 October 2014

"Character is lost everything is lost"

It is truly said that:

“When wealth is lost, nothing is lost.
When health is lost, something is lost.
But when character is lost, everything is lost.”
Character is everything in a person’s life. It is the total personality of person. A person without character is just a dead body that is hated by everybody.
The importance of character can be realized from the fact that a student seeking admission from one school or college to another has to produce a character certifi­cate from the former institution. A person applying for some post must produce a character certificate from the head of the institution he last attended.
Character is the sum total of all the good qualities in a man. It consists in hon­esty, truthful speech and dealings, dutiful- nests, diligence, and obedience to parents, teach­ers and elders. Sincerity, love of mankind, inner goodness and desire to do well to others and to be free from hatred, jealousy and malice are also part of character. To live in harmony with the people of all religions, races, castes and nations may be added to the characteristics of high character. Not to cast an evil eye on a member of the opposite sex is the essence of high moral character.
Sometimes, there may be instances of loose moral character. But most often there are just rumors and guess-works which are deliberately engineered to malign a per­son out of jealousy or animosity. One should think twice before casting aspersions on anybody. We must accept all such rumors with a grain of salt. In any case, a man of character is bound to come out of the dark clouds as the sun appears bright in the sky.
Character is like a tree,
Reputation is like a shadow.
the shadow is what we think of it;
the TREE is the real thing.

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